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Thaddeus Carlton Music promotes the album "Dance Like MIchael! It is the 19th release from T.C. and according to reviews, it is his best! The songs are eclectic from Pop to R&B, from Country to Hip Hop! THADDEUS CARLTON HAS SOMETHING FOR EVERYBODY! Yes! The song "Mrs. Smith" will transport you back to an era when a man had to get down on his knees and beg his woman for her heart! "Dance Like Michael" and "Get Busy" were inspired by Thaddeus' experience with the world's greatest entertainer ever, 'The King Of Pop', Michael Jackson! Even though Thaddeus never met 'The King Of Soul' James Brown, two songs on this album, "Sexy Baby" and "Business Man" are dedicated to him! Thaddeus has been around a lot of famous entertainers, Larry King, Barbra Streisand, Donna Summer, Fleetwood Mac, Shalimar, The Whispers, Flip Wilson, Buddy Rich and many, many others! Thaddeus knows good music! While appearing on 'The Tavis Smiley Show' with Quincy Jones, Thaddeus told "Q" was a total inspiration to every musician who has ever heard his work! "You insert a 'back beat,' a front beat, a subliminal rhythm and a sense of syncopation that literally blows our minds!" Quincy asked Thaddeus, "How did you figure that out?" Thaddeus responded, "It took me five years to understand it and knock you off!" The live audience applauded and laughed! The album " Dance Like Michael" is ONE FIRE! One of the feature tracks is "I'm So Strung Out!" Its about people who can't function without their coffee (everyone) and the struggle they go through each morning to obtain 'The Drug'! Professional reviewers and thousands of listeners say "I'm So Strung Out" is very funny!" There are several funny songs on the album "Dance Like Michael"! One such tune is "Leave A Message"! "Leave A Message" is the story of what people should do when they reach your answering machine! "Leave a message at the sound of the beep, make it interesting, don't put me to sleep..." are among the lyrics. At any rate, you will enjoy the album "Dance Like Michael" It's available 24/7 at thaddeuscarlton.com, iTunes, Rhapsody and every online music sales website on the planet! Thank you for your interest in Thaddeus Carlton Music and the album "Dance Like MIchael"! htpps://itunes.apple.com/us/album/dance-like-michael/id950041901