
The 1413 List will be known as the million dollar list and will (as well) be part of Internet History.

The idea lies in selling positions in a list of 1413 elements. The lowest position and therefore least outstanding costs 1 dollar, while the highest position costs 1413 dollars. The value of each position is the same as the order number of each one. For instance, position 545 costs exactly 545 dollars. ¿Simple, isn’t it? The overall addition of the sale of all the positions makes a total of 998991 dollars, which is almost a million dollars in fact. My idea is to achieve enough money so as to be able to set up my own enterprise and finish my architecture studies. Being an student and to be willing to set up your own business is really hard if you don’t have enough money to start with.

When buying a position from the list, your image will appear in it, with a size of 30×30. A gaudier image will attract more visitors, but so that there is not much distinction between the different advertisers, the color of the image will only be shown when the slider is over it (this option is not enabled in some explorers). It is expected that The 1413 List will be part of the history of Internet and you can be part of it.