
Cali is a seasoned addictions coach and therapist. She has over 15 years experience working with drug, alcohol and food addictions. Her deep understanding of addictions and her unique background and blend of therapy mesh to assist the client in meeting their needs. Once 40 lbs. overweight and addicted to diet pills, Cali has been there. She can relate to the struggling person trying to get off of drugs or to feel health and ‘whole again”.

Cali holds a Master’s degree, International Certification as a Drug and Alcohol Therapist, as well as certifications and over 15 years’ experience as a Personal Trainer, Yoga Teacher, Pilates Teacher, Food Addictions Specialist and Life Coach.  Cali is a graduate of The Pennsylvania State University and West Chester University.  Her unique approach to each person and ability to relate on a humanistic level makes her desirable in this industry.

Cali has consulted in 2 countries and frequently flies between South Florida, New York and Los Angeles to work with her clients. She has clients in the music industry, acting/film, modeling, CEO’s and frequent high stress jobs clients. She is available on an individual basis for clients, more intensive or for speaking engagements.

Cali has accompanied clients to high risk situations like weddings, worked ‘on set’ of movie and film productions, worked directly with pro athletes, sat in on business meetings, been ‘on tour’ with musicians and even will work directly in the home of the client for a more intensive ‘rehab’ setting.

Cali holds the following degrees and certifications:
•Master of Science in Criminal Psychology
•Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
•I.C.A.D.C. – International Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor
•C.A.P.  – Certified Addictions Professional
•C.P.T. – Certified Personal Trainer
•C.Y.T. – Certified Yoga Teacher

You can reach Cali anytime at 786-709-0479