About |
Welcome to The Murphy Group, a public relations firm that represents people and companies that are innovative and making a difference in the world today. While there is no shortage of companies and people out there, it is the ones that seek to be different, unique and passion-filled that we look to work with. We just love our fellow change-agents, ground breakers, pioneers and those that care for the environment.
While many seek PR, it’s no secret that some brands attract publicity and media coverage more than others. All stories are not created equal and it is those intriguing individuals that we strive to work with and get exposure for.
We are attracted to the those that does not take themselves too seriously, i.e. Richard Branson…yeah we really like that guy. In addition, for those that give back and believe that we are all here to serve - well we are the firm for you.
What makes us different? In a word, Passion! we just love business and all that it encompasses. Furthermore, we love to see them grow, gain exposure and allow PR to let the world know of their work.