
Following the teaching and example of Jesus of Nazareth, the Trust, unique in its position in the Middle East, aims to reach out to the local population and the wider world, irrespective of faith, political persuasion or tradition, through healthcare, education, Biblical tourism and Christian volunteering.

With a history dating back to 1841, the Nazareth Trust is the 21st-Century expression of a Scottish Christian charity originally established to support the work of international medical missions. The founding, in 1861, of the Nazareth Hospital, the oldest hospital in present-day Israel, was a direct result of that ambition, and now 160 years on, the Trust has been responsible for the ongoing work of the hospital, and the associated ministries that have been developed in the intervening years. In all its work, and its planning for the future, the Nazareth Trust, the largest Christian ministry in the Holy Land, finds inspiration and direction in Jesus’ proclamation, made at the start of His ministry in the town where we now serve in His name.