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The Successful Transition Planning Institute of Cambridge, MA teaches Baby Boomers how to avoid boring, meaningless retirements. For example, if you have ever heard of business owners who have stalled or even killed “good” deals for no logical reason, you know what we mean.
STPI's CEO and Founder, Jack Beauregard, has developed strategic planning steps, proprietary principles and decision making techniques that have been helping business owners experience lives filled with meaning and purpose for over two decades.
In his book, “Finding Your New Owner: For Your Business, For Your Life” Jack details the two traditional views of retirement: living a boring and meaningless retirement, or "dying at the desk" and offers a third alternative, the "Platinum YearsSM" a way of living a life filled with meaning and purpose .
Ultimately, business owners seek to have successful transitions that lead to happier and more fulfilling lives, what Jack calls “Peace-of-Mind in your Platinum Years℠. Jack and STPI help clients create a plan to reach this level of peace.