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“The Organic View Radio Show” is a unique, live, interactive, internet talk-radio show that features key leaders, innovators and educators who work within industries that involve organics, environment, clean energy and sustainability. Investigative journalist and host, June Stoyer, explores the background and mission of each guest. who is ranked in the top 1% of influencers on social media, explores the background and mission of each guest. The complete archives are available at http://theorganicview.com/wiki/Main_Page iTunes, Stitcher, Zune, YouTube and every major podcasting provider. The show is broadcast weekly and has a global audience with over 3 million listeners.
The Organic View Radio Show also produces several shows such as The Clean Energy View, which focus on clean energy, The Neonicotinoid View, which focuses on the impact of neonicotinoids and The NLP View which focuses on Neuro-Linguistic Psychology.
Featured guests have included: Morten Albaek (Vestas), Dr. William Acker (NY-BEST), Dr. Nawal Al-Hosany (Masdar), Michael R. Brower (ACORE), Reed Hundt (former FCC Chairman), Robert Catell (AERTC), Dan Reicher (ACORE), Prof Dave Goulson, Dr. Douglas Tallamy, Joel Salatin, Michael Potter, Arran Stephens, John Robbins, Trump Chicago, Prince Lorenzo Borghese, Jack Lifton, Albert Bates, Dr Lewis Ziska, Dr. Marla Spivak, Friends of the Earth, Center For Food Safety as well as hundreds of other notable industry leaders and scientists.