
Toronto rapper Shah takes his teachings from the likes of Tupac, Gandhi, and Malcolm X. His passion for making music that touches listeners lives far outweighs his desire for material wealth, something that no longer inspired him after achievements in fields ranging from professional sports to fine art. Today, Shah is backed by an international team enabling him to focus exclusively on rap. Shah’s lyrics, dripping with multiple-entendres, offer an array of interpretations and experiences, from unapologetic party music to bars calling out police brutality and the gender wage gap. Shah also raps about overcoming his own adversity and childhood hardships, which provided him with empathy for the underdog. While Shah accepts his status as a public figure for the underrepresented communities to which he belongs, he reminds listeners that his music is intended to be a source of enjoyment, not a guide for political revolution.

Artistically, Shah views rap as the cornerstone of his larger body of artwork. Each single from his forthcoming official debut record will be accompanied by a video in his cinematic music video series involving some of the most prominent young producers, filmmakers, and fine artists from Toronto, New York, and Los Angeles.  With collaborators from this groundbreaking project dubbing Day of Shah a cultural phenomenon in the making, Shah’s time has arrived.