
Thoroughwiz is a thoroughbred/Quarter horse sheet which uses a unique algorithm designed over years of observation and testing to produce a special ranking called the TWIZrank. Based on several highly proficient handicappers' precise methodologies, this unique algorithm was developed and refined through computer programming to form a unique way of predicting and quantifying the results of a horse race.
We feel that it fills a void in the handicapping market by abiding to the "KISS principal" (Keep it short & simple) . After downloading the Trackmaster XML file and paying just $2.50 to process your file through our website the web based software will generates a sortable, printable report ranking every horse in every race from best to worst. The sheet also displays a unique average Class, Pace, Speed, and Connections ratings along with the TWIZrank. We have found the most success to come from the horse within the top four that has the most top figures in the other four categories.