
321 Insight partners with schools and districts to address today’s student behavior challenges with engaging, bite-sized, relevant on-demand and in-person professional development for paraeducators and the teachers and leaders who work with them. Products and services include:

ParaSharp Series - Provide paraeducators with the relevant and engaging training they need to feel supported and skilled in addressing challenging behavior, and being more effective with students.

Teacher-Para Partnerships Series - Give your teachers the knowledge and skills to better utilize, coach and supervise the paraeducators in their classrooms.

Administrator’s Playbook for Addressing Challenging Behavior - Address today’s challenging student behavior by giving all staff a comprehensive, effective, and easy-to-implement PD solution that equips them with the right (and consistent) mindset, approach, and skills.

Trauma Informed Series - Help ALL staff create a mindset and skill set to address the impacts of trauma and adversity so all students thrive.

Facilitated PD - Give staff new tools for addressing challenging behavior with customizable in-person, virtual or hybrid PD workshops.