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The Tony Blair Faith Foundation was launched in May 2008. In an increasingly globalised world, religion is at the very core of life for billions of people and it cannot be ignored. The Tony Blair Faith Foundation aims to promote respect and understanding between the major religions. We empower, support and train young people to take multi-faith action against extreme poverty, providing them with a positive alternative to those who try to use faith as a means to divide. We provide emerging and current leaders with the education and analysis to understand the role of religion in the modern world and we break down barriers between young people of all faiths and none by using new technology to connect them.
There are three main projects of the Tony Blair Faith Foundation; the Faith and Globalisation Initiative, Face to Faith and Faiths Act.
The Foundation’s global schools programme, Face to Faith, is now active in 16 countries across the world. The programme uses modern technology to enhance dialogue and understanding between young people of different faiths and cultures.
The Faith and Globalisation Initiative provides emerging and current leaders with the tools to understand religion today. Faith and Globalisation Initiative currently has 8 universities on board: Durham University in the UK, McGill University in Canada, Monterrey Tech University in Mexico,
National University of Singapore, Peking University in China, the University of Sierra Leone, Fourah Bay College The University of Western Australia and Yale University in the US.
Faiths Act, empowers, supports and trains people to take multi-faith action against extreme poverty in over 100 countries, providing them with a positive alternative to those who try to use faith as a means to divide.