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TopCommodityBrokers.com is one of the internet's most unique, innovative and interactive commodity/futures broker directory as well as an educational and social networking website, focusing on the actual commodity broker as well as the company!
Topcommoditybrokers.com spotlights the “commodity broker” unlike any other, giving them the ability to upload a profile photo (viewable within search results), upload a profile video from YouTube™, include a professional bio, the ability to connect Instantly with potential clients via Skype™, link to their company web site and external blog, add detailed information about their organization, services & specialties, upload their company logo (viewable within search results), allow potential clients & fellow brokers to follow them on twitter and link to their facebook page. Also they will get listed within the Top Commodity Brokers searchable database, ability to build a network of potential clients & fellow brokers, gain exposure for their company on a local & national level, showcase credibility from member feedback, as well as spotlight their expertise within the TCB blog.
TopCommodityBrokers.com also has a Community Blogosphere with a variety of topics including Interviews with commodity brokers, broker commissions, commodity broker trade shows, career classifieds as well as weekly commentaries just to name a few. We will also customize a blog topic for any commodity broker that is listed as a “Top Broker” on our web site