About |
TraveldeZk prides itself in providing end-to-end, custom-designed travel solutions to serve patrons’ every need. Established in April 2015, the brand has since dedicated itself to ensuring high consumer satisfaction through consistent competency and personal touch. From adventurous travellers with a thirst for backpacking to those who prefer the snug lap of luxury, TraveldeZk has served all — and, as we make further inroads into the industry, will continue to do so with immense enthusiasm.
As TraveldeZk progresses on its path to being one of the most trusted players in the travel and tourism segment, the brand is on a mission to achieve long-term, sustainable growth by building on its core values and habitually adopting best-in-class business practices.
In an increasing digitized and automated industry, TraveldeZk stands out because of the personal touch it offers every patron. Customers who avail of the brand’s services not only have a face to put to the brand name but also rest assured that they have someone to reach out to 24/7 should any unforeseen situations arise during their journey.
We help every traveller realise their dream destination by providing professional service with a personal touch, TraveldeZk aims to offer a broad spectrum of accommodation products and travel services to our patrons.