
Trend POV is THE resource for forward thinking executives.

GPS FOR YOUR BUSINESS STRATEGY... you know basically where you want to go, but now you need help devising exactly how to get there. That includes the need to keep up with evolving trends, new ideas, tailoring your strategies, and connecting to the right people to make it all happen. We are informers, gurus and connection brokers all in one. That is, we help through the whole cycle (see the attached picture) to help accelerate your efforts.

TRENDS - it starts with recognizing evolving trends in your business environment (such as expert networks, social media for productivity, new global markets, etc). We research them, report on them, and innovate...

IDEAS - we innovate new ways to act on these evolving trends for a competitive edge. We report on that too and then interact with you to help tailor these and other ideas to your...

STRATEGY- because there is no one size fits all in business. You already know where you want to go with your business, but the details of exactly how to get there can be hard to solidify. We help solidify your strategies by acting as an on-demand sounding board, by pulling on our expert network to seek additional insight for you, and by seeking out the one other thing that no strategy is complete without and that's...

CONNECTION - people are the driving force behind great strategies. Once you know what you want to do, and how you want to do it, you may need vendors, partners, customers and other connections to help make it happen. We help you find these critical people by hooking you into our networks in a targeted way so that you spend your time meeting only those people that you really need to meet. If we don't know them, there is a good chance that we know someone who does. We are master networkers and bring this to bear for you.

NOW YOUR BUSINESS IS ON FAST-FORWARD. As you proceed, the pace of today's business environment will likely mean evolving your strategies as you go and the cycle starts all over again, with trends, ideas, strategy and connection.

HISTORY: TrendPOV.com was founded by Dr. Amy Vanderbilt on January 1st, 2010 as a merger of two separate efforts: the Trend POV Show (founded in August of 2009) and TrendWatchList.com (founded in December 2008). Evolving the concept of using new-media to inform executives, Dr. V realized that executives needed something more... connection. With the launch of TrendPOV.com, she founded the first media-based executive connectancy with the mission to INFORM, INTERACT and CONNECT executives to ideas and people that drive strategic advantage. Today, TrendPOV.com's audience includes the world's most forward thinking executives.