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The Coalition Center for Mental Disabilities,..The Federation for Survivor's of Hoslitic Accults,...
The Center for Mind expansion Association,....Poetry an Expressive Art Foundation,..Families and Children for Common Good Education,....Training Federation for A Better Tommorrow,..National Open Arms Knowlege Coalition,...Education province for The world's Children Called"The Children OF Tommorrow",...She has accomplished so much and continues to give back,...We are pleased and amazed by her compassion and desire for a better tommorrow for our children.We are a world that should be grateful that in life there is always indivuals like Thompson,...Her strength is forward and her heart is pure,..Even when the world and people in have been so evil,..She focus's on the postive that her tragedy can bring to all,...She is steadfast in her devotion to our children and to make the future for our own a better place,..She is a woman with a spirit that only GOD can give,..It is truely amazing how compassioante she is to the world When the world has ben so cruel and unjust to her,...She is Our Saint on earth.