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GENERAL INFORMATION - Tsukuda-America Inc. is in the business of acquisition, exploration and development of natural resource properties. We currently own a 100% undivided interest in the Gold Nugget 1 Claim located in Lincoln County, New Mexico that we intend to conduct mineral exploration activities on in order to assess whether it contains any commercially exploitable mineral reserves.
The Gold Nugget 1 consists of eight contiguous, placer mineral claims, comprising a total of 160 acres and lies in the central part of New Mexico in the Jicarilla Mountains Area, Lincoln County, New Mexico. The region is known for its historic production of placer and lode silver and gold.
Lincoln County has produced around 200,000 ounces of gold, mostly from placer and lode sources near the village of White Oaks northeast of Carrizozo. The placers have been worked almost continuously since 1850 to the present. All of the operations have been small scale, one man type operations. Water is scarce and there is a lot of overburden to remove before any gold is found. However, it is estimated that there is considerable gold here and believe that all of it will be gotten by small scale methods. The estimated production is around 15,000 ounces. Much of the area is claimed and active. Most of the placer operations took place in Ancho, Rico, Spring and Warner Gulches.
Village of White Oaks has reported nearly 90% of Lincoln County production. The area that gold can be found is 16 miles north and east of Carrizozo in the Jicarilla Mountains. Placer gold was reportedly mined here before 1860 and most of the placer mining was done in Baxter and White Oaks Gulch and the tributaries to these gulches. Lincoln County has yielded a variety of metals and minerals: gold, coal, iron, lead, copper, zinc, fluorite, bastnaesite, gypsum, tungsten. In addition, deposits of molybdenum, thorium, uranium, and manganese are known.
The Jicarilla Mountain White Oaks district produced almost $3 million in gold from the time of its discovery in 1879 until shortly after the turn of the century. This district was the leading producer for the entire county. The Nogal and Gallinas districts produced significant amounts of metals during the late 1800s and early 1900s. Lesser districts, such as the Oscuro, Jicarilla, and Schelerville, have produced gold, copper, and other metals intermittently in the past. Mining was revived during WW II and later years to produce iron, fluorspar, and bastnaesite in previously known districts, but mining is now practically at a standstill. The total recorded production for Lincoln County to date is estimated at approximately $5.5 million.
REGIONAL GEOLOGY - The Gold Nugget 1 is located at the most prominent structural intersection in New Mexico within perhaps the greatest exposed concentration of Tertiary intrusions in New Mexico. The structural intersection is formed by the north-south-trending axis of the Pedernal uplift-Mescalero arch and the east-west trending Capitan lineament. In the south, the Pedernal-Mescalero axis closely parallels the Sacramento uplift, an east-tilted fault block with evidence of at least three periods of deformation (Precambrian to late Tertiary), and in the north it closely parallels a series of faults and folds in the Picuris-Pecos trend. The Pedernal-Mescalero structural zone coincides generally with a belt of crustal thickening and alkalic intrusions that marks the boundary between the tectonically active Rio Grande Rift (a branch of the Basin and Range) and Rocky Mountains on the west and the tectonically stable Great Plains on the east.
The Pedernal-Mescalero axis appears to be offset approximately 10 miles across
the Capitan lineament. The Capitan lineament is a well defined basement
fracture and magmatic zone that may be traced for over 300 miles from Socorro,
NM into western Texas; in the area of the Gold Nugget 1 Claim the lineament is
reflected by the Capitan pluton.
The Tertiary intrusions form the Lincoln County porphyry belt that includes at least 11 stocks and laccoliths. The east-west elongate, 20 mile-long Capitan pluton is a Miocene (26.5 Ma) aplite (granitic) laccolith that plunges westerly and underlies the Gold Nugget 1 Claim. Thompson (1991) concluded that magmas in the porphyry belt were generated from both lower crustal and upper mantle sources and McLemore (1991) concluded that a diversity of mineral deposit types in the Gold Nugget 1 region resulted from several different complex magmatic fractionation and differentiation events. These anomalies cover an area of over 270 square miles, show northerly and easterly structural trends, and are interpreted as reflecting a large mafic or ultramafic intrusion that underlies the Lincoln County porphyry belt and the Gold Nugget 1 Claim.
The Gold Nugget 1 Au-Pt Claim is one of 16 Au-Ag-bearing occurrences in a 300-mile-long, north-south trending belt that traverses New Mexico within the Rio Grande Rift.