About |
UBsports is the most inclusive, exciting community of all 100 amateur, Olympic and pro sports on the Web, where all athletes, coaches, their fans and their families meet and share their sports lives, no matter how young or old, what sport they play, how well they play it, or where they live.
All the best resources on the Web can be accessed directly through the UBsports SportPortal system, usually with 2 clicks. With the best pro and Olympic players curating, blogging and leading our members to the resources they use themselves, our members can be sure that they are getting the best information, insights, skills and equipment to reach their athletic goals.
Our SportPortals, each curated and hosted by an Olympic, nationally ranked or pro athlete, teach novices how to play, with all the rules, info, insights and videos they need. They then support the athletes' further growth with intermediate and advanced training tools, skills and drills videos, competition videos, connections to new teams and leagues, mentors and coaches, notices of tournaments and connections to the organizers, and set them up to be recruited to higher levels, teams and schools.
UBsports also has the best free tools to support Groups, Leagues, Teams and Schools, allowing them to highlight their members, communicate with fans, post and revise schedules, and constantly communicate, real-time, with their members and fans. Each team or club lives among its peers, under the umbrella of its league, school or district, which then lives within its organizing body, all within their sport, all sharing their resources, ultimately so that all their athletes grow to be the best athletes they can be.
UBsports is the first true egalitarian sports ecosystem, where all sports, no matter how large or small, have equal footing and resources, and any athlete can cross train or move seasonally from one of their sports to the other, seamlessly and in the company of other athletes, competitors, coaches, friends and fans.
Because of our reach across over 100 sports played around the world, UBsports' tools and services enable athletes to pick up and play new sports, providing all the info, videos, insights, rules, connections and equipment they need to reach their sports goals in all sports, and maximize their enjoyment of their sports lives.
Our Personal Portals ROCK! Each member's own Home Page offers them infinite opportunities to personalize their experience and to access all the resources, videos and sites they want to use .. not just sports-related, but all over the Web! So you don't have to hunt around for the bookmarks on your Browser: Just come to UBsports, join, and build your own UBsports experience.
Bring Your Sports Life - okay, your whole online life - to UBsports!
Please contact Greg Burton, CEO with any questions, suggestions or ideas
631-702-5115 (talk/text)