1 - 4 London City businesses
Add Your Business and Get Found - Free!Cancer Healing And Research Trust
Cancer Healing and Research Trust ("CHART") is a charity based in the United Kingdom, dedicated to identifying effective and safe natural cancer therapies.
DNA Digest
DNAdigest is a social enterprise based in the UK with supporters and partners worldwide. We work to promote and enable easier more efficient sharing of genomics data. This will enable faster cures and faster treatments for cancers and rare diseases.
Restless Development
Restless Development is the youth-led development agency. We know that young people have the energy, commitment and skills to solve some of the world’s biggest problems.
KissBank is a forum for reporting random acts of kindness. KissBank is also a global newsfeed for stories about human beings at their best and an antidote to the stories of death, destruction and disaster that fill our lives through 24/7 news reporting.
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