
We bring a unique skill set to our clients.

As a full-service public relations firm, our specialized service offerings are focused on the full life-cycle of activities associated with successfully growing a business. We realize each client is unique; we tailor and create a Scope of Work that fits the specific needs of each client.

We assist in the definition message development, of goals and objectives, develop the plans needed to accomplish desired outcomes, and work to secure results for both specific projects and broad programs.

We believe that many different service offerings can impact an organization’s growth. Therefore, we include all our service offerings into every engagement to help clients stand out from the crowd.

We believe in blending the tactical and strategic and tie our tasks to a comprehensive market plan understanding that a rifle-shot approach is a way of the past.

When a client’s need is on one specific service offering, we provide ancillary services to create additional opportunity that builds a pipeline, often times in new verticals, and impacts an organization’s balance sheet.

Bottom line: Union Square Strategic drives results.