
URBAN CEO™ is a new movement with a goal of helping entrepreneurs who have a connection with the urban community.  URBAN stands for Unapologetic Real Bold Action Oriented and Nonconforming. We want to show entrepreneurs or aspiring entrepreneurs from the urban community tips to success in business and in life. We are a Non-Profit 501c3 Organization

Urban CEO™ was founded January 1st 2019 by Taurea Vision Avant. After so many years of struggling as a business owner, Taurea was able to find success in 2009 and became determined to help other men and women learn about ways to make income and build a stable financial foundation within their homes. After deciding to start her coaching business in 2014, Taurea learned there were many challenges that were keeping people from ultimate success within their business. Many of these people could relate to Taurea because of where they came from. Taurea has always had a connection to the URBAN community. From the music to fashion to even communication, Taurea always had kept her connection. She was brought up in a time where in order to make it from the Urban community, you must learn how to talk, walk and act a certain way. The only challenge is that she didn’t see anyone coming back to the community to teach these things. That is where URBAN CEO™ was birthed. With the formation of URBAN CEO™ a 501(c)3 organization, we will help millions of men and women with a connection to the Urban community grow businesses designed to build stable foundations within the home!