1 - 4 San Diego businesses
Add Your Business and Get Found - Free!Lois Joy Hofmann, Author
Lois Joy Hofmann completed her sailing circumnavigation after turning 60 years old. She is the author of the nautical trilogy, "In Search of Adventure and Moments of Bliss." The final book, "The Long Way Back," is available now.
Act Like You Matter
Offering student-led, anti-bullying workshops, scripts, and videos packed with tools to help students build resilience and manage encounters with rude, mean, or bullying behaviors: empowering youth to find their voice and be part of the solution.
Sunbelt Publications
We publish books about the cultural and natural history of the Califorias. Our books include natural science and outdoor guidebooks as well as stories that celebrate the land and its people.
Larry M Edwards: Author, Editor
Nonfiction and fiction book editor and publishing consultant.
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