1 - 8 California businesses
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Nemours Publishing (a division of Nemours Marketing, Inc.) has signed a contract to take over the publishing of Ginny Scales-Medeiros’s novel “What is Normal?”.
Scriptapalooza Inc.
Scriptapalooza Screenwriting Competition have #1 best online plateform for screenwriters, contest, Hollywood, movie, screenplay, script, writers, writing and scriptwriting.
Screenwriter Services
At ScreenwriterServices.com, experienced consultants provide professional creative assistance, including script analysis, editing, rewrites and screenplay adaptations. We offer alternative marketing strategies to writers without literary representation
Scripped Inc. - 1 followers
Scripped is the leading provider of web-based screenwriting software on the Internet. With nearly 70,000 users, Scripped grows its membership by 50-100 writers/day. Scripped also finds content for producers of films, ads, plays, and other content.
Imagination Unleashed
Independent publisher based in California. Contracted with Intensive Image, Inc., South El Monte, California, for book printing; and with AtlasBooks Distribution for order fulfillment. Delivery guaranteed. Returns accepted. Inquiries: info@saardu.com.
Greenstein-Shannon Management
A boutique talent, literary and creative management company located in Hollywood, CA. Greenstein-Shannon Management deals directly with studios, agents and production houses on behalf of their clients. For more info: http://www.creativetalent.webs.com
Noelle Messier
Actor, tv, film, and theater. Screenwriter and Ghostwriter. Website: www.noellemessier.com
Write Brothers, Inc.
Since 1982, Write Brothers Inc. (formerly Screenplay Systems) has been a world leader in film and television screenwriting and production software. We are the only creative team to receive an Academy Technical Achievement Award for screenwriting software.
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