1 - 17 California businesses
Add Your Business and Get Found - Free!JVS SoCal
JVS SoCal is the first and most experienced non-profit, non-sectarian organization focused exclusively on career services and workforce development in Southern California.
Because We Can - Because We Care
Because We Can – Because We Care (Bwc2) – Building healthy relationships between the lives of horses and people. The relationships are built upon Trust, Confidence and Respect utilizing the tools and techniques of TCR Horsemanship.
PsychArmor Institute
PsychArmor is the only national institute of its kind, dedicated to bridging the civilian-military divide through free online education and a support center staffed with mental health experts.
Inner City Law Center
Inner City Law Center is recognized for our expertise in housing issues, veterans’ benefits, and homelessness prevention. Our staff of 40, including 20 attorneys, provides quality legal representation for people who have nowhere else to turn.
Medicinal Missions
Medicinal Missions is a social enterprise and production company focused on the holistic restoration of a healthy warrior culture through the production of high-quality films and episodic television.
CityByApp Inc.
CityByApp's mission is to organize the information of municipalities and businesses, and make it universally accessible and useful. We hire military, police and fire veterans as our independent sale representatives entitled, "Community Ambassadors".
Soldiers Calendar features Veterans And Soldiers. A Percentage of the Proceeds go to needy Military families, Soldiers and Veterans are featured.
Operation Wounded Minds
Operation Wounded Minds goal is to bring healing and resources for Veterans and the invisible wounds of war.
Our mission is to end the shame and stigma around issues of mental illness and the destructive cycles of PTSD so Veterans will see help.
Stars and Stripes Marketing LLC
We are a unique, full-service marketing firm, specializing in developing marketing strategies that foster mutually beneficial relationships between business, industry and military organizations.
iMerit is a philanthropic, social enterprise that empowers rural women, and shortly American vets and other disadvantaged groups with training and providing work through crowd-sourced jobs. It's work has been featured in a Harvard Business Review study.
San Fernando Valley Veterans Employment Committee
Develops a strong working partnership with other entities who are supportive of veterans. Also provides support for veterans programs that honor veterans with media support and other activities to gain enhanced support for hiring veterans.
Veteran Stone, Inc.
Veteran Stone, Inc., provides smart phone video station services for non-profit organizations to support them in their respective outreach and fund raising programs.
Vital Warrior
Vital Warrior is a non profit organization and a system of non-pharmaceutical rebalancing designed by a retired Navy SEAL to alleviate the detrimental effects of acute stress in its clients.
Civic Circle Foundation
Civic Circle Foundation is a non-profit 501(c) (3) organization that will assist veterans, widows and orphans of veterans, and other families in need.
Currently, Civic Circle Foundation is focusing on job training, job placement & transportation.
Farmer Veteran Coalition
Farmer Veteran Coalition is a national nonprofit organization focused on cultivating a new generation of farmers and food leaders by developing viable employment and meaningful careers through the collaboration of the farming and military communities.
Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund
Nonprofit organization providing financial assistance and quality of life solutions to Marines and Sailors, and qualified members of the Army, Air Force and Coast Guard, injured in post 9-11 combat/training operations, or facing life threatening illness.
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