1 - 4 New Milford businesses
Add Your Business and Get Found - Free!GFWC Woman's Club of Greater New Milford
GFWC Woman’s Club of Greater New Milford (WCGNM) is part of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs. Collectively, we are Living the Volunteer Spirit through raising funds and supporting projects throughout our local community.
Celia Pomerantz
Author/photographer of Alzheimer's: A Mother Daughter Journey. A kindle book that will change your outlook on caregiving.
Yours Elegantly
Yours Elegantly Specializes in Cashmere Pashmina Silk Shawls Wraps Scarves Ruana, Wedding Bridal & Bridesmaid Shawls, Evening / Silk Shawls, Tunics, Women's Tunic Tops, Cheap Designer Jewelry, & Designer Bags up to 70% off and a gift.
Vision Engineering Inc
Vision Engineering Inc is a leading-edge manufacturer of ergonomic stereo microscopes and non-contact measuring systems. Engineers and scientists worldwide use our systems for a wide range of general magnification, inspection and measurement applications.
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