1 - 6 New Jersey businesses
Add Your Business and Get Found - Free!People Throw Rocks At Things That Shine
People Throw Rocks At Things That Shine LLC is a Christ-centered publishing company dedicated to publishing books and other media that inform, entertain, edify and encourage growth.
Lil' Readers
Lil’ Readers delivers high quality and educational children’s books for kids of all ages with vibrant images and animations.
Frogworks.com LLC
Publisher of exceptional literature, new novels and art books
Poets Wear Prada
PWP is a small literary press based in Hoboken, New Jersey, devoted to introducing new authors through high-quality chapbooks primarily of poetry, since October 2006. Please visit us at: http://pwpbooks.blogspot.com/. "Have you had your poetry today?"
ZAE Publishing LLC
ZAE Publishing LLC is a publishing company that presents opportunities and outlets to new and unheard of publishers, so that their works can be presented to the mainstream.
Africana Homestead Legacy Publishers Inc.
Independent book publisher in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, with five imprints. Publishes scholarly nonfiction, literary fiction, biography, autobiography, and popular fiction and nonfiction for all ages. Features history, political science and ethnic studies.
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