1 - 4 Oberlin businesses
Add Your Business and Get Found - Free!Ohio Dance Theatre
Ohio Dance Theatre is a professional ballet based contemporary dance company that presents works with a strong theatrical element.
EdTech startup launches Kickstarter to raise funding to bring online education and cultural exchange to 100 classrooms in the U.S., India, Ghana and Senegal. Read about the Bright Orange Box and the Video Pen Pal Program at bitly.com/lumenedkickstarter
Beck Energy Works, LLC.
Beck Energy Works, LLC develops innovative products for the consumer market. The devices are aimed to help homeowners detect problems within their home before catastrophic damage can occur, such as water leaks from pipes bursting or appliances failing.
The Podium Pro - Reach Your Peak Potential
Author. Speaker. Workshops. Speech Coach. Matthew Cossolotto (aka "The Podium Pro") is a former Congressional aide and CEO-level speechwriter at NATO, UCLA, MCI, GTE, and Pepsi. Author of HabitForce! and All The World's a Podium.
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