1 - 3 Virginia businesses
Add Your Business and Get Found - Free!Celestial Glow Skin.com
Celestial Glow Skin has processed and blended ancient earth minerals which have been sourced from around the world giving Celestial Glow Skin a unique profile of mineral health to the skin unlike anything before.
Bageladies LLC
Bageladies manufactures Bake’mmm Bagels from its factory in Waynesboro VA. Bake’mmm Bagels are distributed by Sysco VA, International Gourmet Foods, Produce Source Partners and are available at Whole Foods Mid-Atlantic and independent retailers.
Chef Sous LLC
Chef Sous LLC, established in 2008 and home of Keep It Simple Syrup® - all-natural, spearmint-infused simple syrup (aka Spearmint kiss*). Spearmint kiss* creates a new category for cocktail mixers and flavoring syrups within the top-shelf market.
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