51 - 100 United States businesses
Add Your Business and Get Found - Free!Nathan Hale Foundation
The Nathan Hale Foundation was incorporated on April 4, 2006. The Foundation and Veterans Outreach Centers were founded solely by Christopher C. Hart President/Founder and Executive Director of the Plymouth and Middleboro Outreach Centers.
DAV Chapter 38
We are dedicated to a single purpose:
Empowering veterans to lead high-quality lives with respect and dignity.
In South Central Georgia region
Inner City Law Center
Inner City Law Center is recognized for our expertise in housing issues, veterans’ benefits, and homelessness prevention. Our staff of 40, including 20 attorneys, provides quality legal representation for people who have nowhere else to turn.
Medicinal Missions
Medicinal Missions is a social enterprise and production company focused on the holistic restoration of a healthy warrior culture through the production of high-quality films and episodic television.
Blanket of Freedom
Non-profit organization that supports Veterans with mental illness.
CityByApp Inc.
CityByApp's mission is to organize the information of municipalities and businesses, and make it universally accessible and useful. We hire military, police and fire veterans as our independent sale representatives entitled, "Community Ambassadors".
SAWs Inc. - 1 followers
SAWs provides high-quality, removable and reusable wooden ramps for individuals in wheelchairs, on scooters or walkers who face insurmountable obstacles at their front door and do not have the resources to free themselves from their own homes.
Team RWB - Chicago
Team RWB’s mission is to enrich the lives of America’s veterans by connecting them to their community through physical and social activity.
The Chicago chapter of Team RWB serves the Chicago community and the many surrounding surrounding suburbs.
GO VETS Foundation
GO*VETS Foundation assists veterans improve their quality of life. Our programs provide ways to assist veterans in finding employment opportunities, specific training in personal and business development, and health & wellness.
Saluting Branches
Saluting Branches: Arborists United for Veteran Remembrance is a nonprofit nationwide organization honoring veterans through the care of trees at veteran properties.
Golden Goose Films, Inc.
Golden Goose Films, Inc. is a progressive, independent entity committed to the development, production and distribution of quality motion pictures along with substantial, entertaining television fare.
Project Sanctuary
Project Sanctuary takes military families from battle ready to family ready.
Pets for Vets New York City & Long Island
We support Veterans by professionally training shelter pets to provide emotional support and companionship. We love to network with Veterans, animal lovers, rescue groups, volunteers, fosters, and sponsors. Email us at nycli-ny@petsforvets.com.
CF Keyholders Realty
Real Estate Investment company that caters to a wide range of clientele within the Real Estate market. CFK forges strategic relationships with reputable companies to grow its brand and maintain a profitable and sustainable business.
VFW Clinton, CT Post 9918
VFW Post 9918, a Veterans Service Organization in Clinton, CT
The Sergeant Thomas Joseph Sullivan Center
The Sergeant Sullivan Center is dedicated to improving health outcomes for current and former military personnel, especially those who are suffering from emerging, complicated, or currently unexplained post deployment health concerns.
Forgotten Not Gone, Inc
Forgotten Not Gone, a 501(C)(3) nonprofit Veteran Service organization, that is dedicated to “Stomping Out Veteran Suicide!”
Starfish Foundation
Healing Warrior Hearts provides free retreats for veterans for emotional healing
Battlefield Resumes, LLC
Battlefield Resumes helps veterans, transitioning military, defense contractors and federal government employees tailor and target their resume to job vacancy announcements.
Hire Our Heroes
Hire Our Heroes is a nonprofit organization that works with American Armed Forces veterans who are returning to civilian life and seeking employment. The organization provides them with career coaching, networking opportunities, resume services, and more.
Soldiers Calendar features Veterans And Soldiers. A Percentage of the Proceeds go to needy Military families, Soldiers and Veterans are featured.
Vets Fishing With Vets - 1 followers
Vets Fishing With Vets is a 2-day Veteran’s Celebration and Fishing Tournament -- in Aransas Pass, Texas -- featuring live music, great food, and a silent auction benefiting U.S. Veterans and the STVHC Fisher House in San Antonio, Texas.
Morningday Community Solutions
Morningday Community Solutions, Inc. is a 501(c) whose mission is “: "Assisting South Florida's Ill, Needy, Youth, and Veterans . Only open to nonprofits.
Care Comes First
Care Comes First provides a technology platform that makes it easier and more efficient for businesses to reach the people and organizations that need and want their products and services.
Veterans Party of America
Our mission is to place solution oriented leadership in office, at all levels of government, so America can once again be the nation it has always been-Strong, Fair, Just. We believe in Liberty, Justice and Freedom.
Adjunct Medical Services
We believe that Acupuncture care is the cornerstone of any comprehensive and holistic health program. When your body works the way nature intended, your spirit soars--and so do you.
We believe that Acupuncture care is the cornerstone of any comprehensive and holistic health program. When your body works the way nature intended, your spirit soars--and so do you. http://www.adjunctmed.com/
Benefit Brokers LLC
Provides free service to help Veterans obtain VA benefits
Operation Freedom Paws
Operation Freedom Paws empowers veterans and others with disabilities to restore their own independence
Light Stories
Light Stories...a place where any veteran of any war or active duty service member can share their combat Near Death Experience (NDE) stories.
Empowered To Empower You, Inc
Businesses Paying It Forward (BPIF) is an initiative, founded by Jazz Dozier, created to improve communities, businesses, schools by forming collaborations with like-minded companies, entrepreneurs and individuals who have a desire to “pay it forward”
Biobalance Integrated Wellness, LLC
In addition to providing advanced neurofeedback training utilizing the BrainPaint® system, we also created a TRAIN program to help Veterans suffering from symptoms of PTSD, TBI and many neurological imbalances.
Freedom Veterans of America, Inc.
A Non Profit Veterans organization that helps Veterans and their families in need.
BBig Marketing
Wings Over North Georgia Airshow is managed by JLC Airshow Management, with public relations and marketing support by BBIG Marketing.
Game Plan Media
Game Plan Media offers grass roots marketing programs, events and plans for small businesses in Greater Orlando.
Services include:
Event Coordinator (for individual companies)
Event Coordination for large events with shared sponsorship
Operation Wounded Minds
Operation Wounded Minds goal is to bring healing and resources for Veterans and the invisible wounds of war.
Our mission is to end the shame and stigma around issues of mental illness and the destructive cycles of PTSD so Veterans will see help.
Pfun-omenal Stories LLC
Pfun-omenal Stories incorporates love of storytelling with love of country, honoring the true heroes, people of service.
Dial Green US Inc.
Customer service call center that hires disabled and lesser fortunate people who want to work. Inbound customer customer service, inbound and outbound sales, surveys, appointment setting, chat customer service support, twitter customer service support.
Support the Enlisted Project
STEP provides emergency financial and transition assistance grants to active duty and recently discharged enlisted military and their families.
Military Disability Made Easy
MilitaryDisabilityMadeEasy.com is a new website designed to give disabled veterans the tools they need to take control of their military disability.
Heart Songs for Veterans
Musicians donating digital music to help Veterans Nationawide
The Bourget Company
The Bourget Company is an online store that specializes in clothing and other apparel.
Pets for Vets NYC/LI Chapter
The New York City Long Island Chapter of Pets for Vets is part of the nationwide organization Pets for Vets, which places rescued dogs and cats with military veterans of all eras.
Laurus Foundation/Healer Warrior Initiative
Healer Warrior Initiative a Veterans self-care program teaching natural, non-invasive therapies for Veterans, their families, and fellow Veterans to reduce physical, emotional, and mental pain in order to reduce the high number of Veteran suicide.
Silver Lining Villages
Silver Lining Villages is a 501c3 non-profit life skills academy for holistic, emotional rejuvenation, using holistic practices, serving displaced veterans, female veterans , active duty military, MST survivors and families of veterans.
Wounded Times
National news service for military veterans and families focusing on Combat PTSD.
Healing Warrior Hearts
Healing Warrior Hearts is a program to support our Veterans and welcome them all the way home through the emotional healing of the traumas of war.
Flagship Logistics Group
Flagship Logistics Group, a wholly owned subsidiary of Flagship Food Group, specializes in frozen and refrigerated LTL (less than load) transportation. Flagship Logistics Group has emerged as a leader in cold chain network logistics.
Service Protection Dogs For World Peace
Service Protection Dogs for World Peace helps Veterans with PTSD acquire Service Dogs by helping them raise funding. Our program Heart Songs For Veterans releases songs for Veterans in which proceeds go to our general fund to provide service dogs.
Veteran Owned Business
Network of 20,000 businesses that are proudly owned by veterans and active duty military. Show your support for our armed forces by proudly searching for products and services that are all made by, sold by or serviced by United States military veterans!
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