
PURPOSE: We’re committed to helping America get back to work. From Mom & Pop retail storefronts, restaurants, to manufacturing plants, re-opening safer, is our priority. Test, to know before you go, is your answer.

On April 1st 2020, governments began announcing ‘stay at home’ orders and it was abundantly clear the world would never be the same again.  Our team set up a weekly Zoom call with a few colleagues, doctors, virologists, pharmacists, politicians and anyone we thought could be part of the solution.  The call attracted several hundred professionals from around the world.  It began with discussion of preventative measures and the quest for a remedy or vaccine.  Soon, with the pandemic having no end in sight, the demand for testing solutions was paramount.  We went into action and set-up a line with multiple distributors and resellers to streamline access to our supply chain as quickly as possible.

We provide a solution, with NO false negatives and less than 1% false positives. The BEST registered results for certainty in re-starting your business.