
User1st Accessibility Suite answers diverse disability needs while your business adheres to the internationally accepted standard of WCAG AA. Think of Adobe-Photoshop for designers, that is how User1st is for web accessibility specialists, webmasters and software engineers.  The website owner adds the User1st snippet to his site.The end-user clicks the Accessibility button on one the website pages and chooses a profile

(User1st Front-End)

 User1st solution adds a code layer on the client side, making the web page compatible with the specific needs of the end-user appears on any website, design, or any content management system
The Accessibility Editor panel provides the tools to detect and remediate accessibility issues. Using an easily customized wizard. No new coding required 99% of time.

User1st offer tailored profiles for disabled users as for users who don’t use the mouse, visually disabled and blind users, color blind, users with epilepsy and for those who need to be shown the  information that is hidden
Dashboard for managers and compliance coordinators: With Accessibility dashboard, your accessibility specialist and managers, will be able to see in details the compliance coverage, detected over time, reported automatically or by users.

Code monitoring reports:  User1st Accessibility Monitor collects the accessibility validation issues over time, alerts them back to you 24/7, and link them to an easy to use reports system, for any reason as code changes, or content added.

CMS compliance overlayer for content managers: User1st Content Compliance includes the ability to add alternative text HTML or links for images and flash files or other elements. This layer helps CMS manager to maintain changes over time.