
Open-E, Inc. is a pioneering leader and developer of IP-based storage management software. The Open-E DSS V7 and Open-E DSS V7 Lite line of products are aimed at the SMB and SME markets.

Open-E DSS V7 is a robust, award-winning enterprise storage application which offers excellent compatibility with industry standards (vast variety of supported hardware), and is the easiest to use and manage. Additionally, it is one of the most stable solutions on the market and an undisputed price performance leader.

Open-E counts for over 27,000 world-wide installations in Fortune 500 organizations in over 100 countries for over a decade and received numerous industry awards and recognition from PC Professional, Tom’s Hardware, Storage Awards, PC Pro and more.

Thanks to its reputation, experience and business reliability, Open-E is an esteemed technological partner for industry-leading IT companies such as Citrix, Intel, LSI, VMware, and Adaptec.

For further information about Open-E, its products and partners, visit http://www.open-e.com/.