
Vikshopping Trade Co.,Ltd was founded in 2003 and locates in Guangzhou city, Guangdong Province, China. We major in retail and wholesale China cheap shoes, clothing, handbags, watches, hair styler and so on. All products are free shipping, no matter what is the quantity, only 1 pc also can be free shipping for you. This good service receives a very good reputation from the customers all over the world.

Our products are very cheap and high quality because we have our own factory which locates inland, the cost of labor force and materials is about half lower than that in the coastal cities, all the workers have more than 3 years' manufacturing experience and are veteran. We have a lot of faithful and frequent customers, even some have been buying from 2005 when we start our business.

The discount is very big, 2-5pcs get 5% discount, 6-10pcs get 10% discount, 11-20pcs get 20% discount, more than 21pcs get 25% discount. It attracts many big order placed customers. The more you buy, the bigger discount you will get. We also accept one item, mixed items, dropshipping and OEM/ODM service. Accepted almost all payment methods. Welcome to place small trial orders to check our best service and quality.

We often send your packages via famous shipping company, such as EMS, Singpost, DHL, TNT, Fedex, UPS, according to the speed only. All are door to door way. It only needs 12 to 24 hours to process the order, and then 3 to 8 days to get your door.

We are 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and almost 365 days a year online waiting for you. Welcome to our online shop, register and place orders. Looking forward to your coming! Any question, pls contact with Miss Sally, Email and MSN: vikshopping@hotmail.com . Our website is: http://www.vikshopping.com