
Sharing Our Passion for Vintage Fashion

The Vintage Fashion Guild™ (VFG) is an international organization dedicated to the promotion and preservation of vintage fashion. Founded in 2002 by a group of vintage sellers, it soon grew into a vintage-fashion knowledge base exceeding any other online resource. We then focused on collecting, organizing, and presenting that information—resulting in the first VFG website.

Our membership has grown steadily since those early days, and a dedicated membership committee was formed. Qualified sellers and other vintage-fashion-related specialists are invited to apply via our online application form. See Apply for Membership page for details. Learn more about us and discover the benefits of membership here: Why Join?

We also offer an informal option for non-members to discuss vintage in our Public Forums. Registration is free. The VFG believes that informed selling and buying communities are good for the vintage-fashion industry as a whole, and all visitors to the website have access to the VFG resources. These are continually updated and constantly evolving, thanks to a dedicated volunteer staff.

Label Resource: A very popular resource indispensable to the vintage seller and buyer alike

Fur Resource: A descriptive and visual aid to help identify fur, exotic skins, and plumage

Lingerie Guide: Terms and examples of vintage lingerie

Fashion Timeline: An historical look at fashion trends from the 1800s through the 1960s

Fabric Resource: Fabrics and fabric terms in an A-Z glossary, how to determine fiber, and ways to search for a “mystery” fabric

Hat Resource: A guide to vintage hat history and styles

Wedding Resource: 300 years of wedding garb, arranged by date

1. Protect the interests of vintage-fashion vendors and encourage professional practices
2. Promote, establish, and encourage among our members ethical behavior and professional standards of expertise about vintage fashion in order to reinforce buyers’ and collectors’ confidence that the age, style, details, and condition of merchandise are accurately represented
3. Raise awareness of vintage fashion and provide a forum to bring together buyers and sellers
4. Establish a central educational resource available to both buyers and sellers
5. Create a positive environment for and enhance the image of vintage clothing
6. Encourage the conservation and wearing of vintage fashion in order to preserve the history, availability, and survival of vintage clothing. The VFG discourages the practice of modifying or altering existing, intact vintage to suit the current trend.
7. Position vintage clothing as a viable, attractive, and environmentally friendly alternative to conventional fashion.