About |
Creation from within:
We are a vibrant and innovative 21st Century Community Interest Company, based in Merseyside, where all dreams and visions become reality. We believe that all humans are born equal and every individual is unique, regardless of their background or circumstances. We are very passionate about nurturing and assisting females blossom into their full potential while promoting social justice/ awareness and gender equality .
Our Vision:
Our vision is to transform the lives and status of less privileged and disadvantaged girls and women so they can become aware of their rights and full potential, and excel into positions of leadership and financial independence. VON seeks to revive the strengths and abilities uniquely endowed on women by nurturing, educating, assisting, motivating and mentoring them towards the achievement of their purpose and
fulfilment of leadership in their families and communities.
Mission Statement:
VON strongly believes that knowledge is power and people are less privileged/ disadvantaged due to lack of knowledge. VON’s mission is to support, educate, empower, inspire and boost the confidence of less privileged and disadvantaged girls and women so they can become conscious of their rights and full potential as individuals and women and thrive into positions of leadership and financial independence; actively contributing towards the economy and well- being of their families and community/society.
Our Values:
Honesty and Integrity: It is our policy to work openly and honestly with clients, staff and partners and promote transparency and feedback of project expectations/ outcomes.
Quality: At VON we value quality and not quantity. Though aspiring to provide services to a wider market, we will primarily focus on the quality of our service provision and the relationships created and established with our clients and partners.
Relationships: Our policy is to create and establish a warm and friendly environment and good interpersonal relationships with clients and partners.
Comfort: At VON our clients come first, and we place a significant value on their comfort and time.
Identity: We acknowledge and respect the uniqueness of every one of our clients' as embedded in our core values, and accordingly, invest quality time and effort to identify each client’s needs and provide tailored support/ solutions.
Unique Selling points:
Passion: The founder of VON, , is from a black and ethnic minority background and has encountered, experienced and overcome some of the barriers/challenges faced by most of the women and empathises with them and is thus very passionate about assisting them fulfil their true potential. Because our clients are very valuable and form an integral part of us and their well being is our concern, we are very passionate about supporting them.
Same-gender services: This is quite valuable because less privileged and deprived girls and women are far more vulnerable than men and form the core of their families. It creates ‘a same-gender environment’, which allows women to feel more comfortable and deal with self-esteem issues which are very typical in deprived, abusive and dependent situations. It also allow a sisterhood to develop and minimizes the risk of assaults/ oppression and intimidation amongst beneficiaries/ staff.
Empowerment programs: Our intensive programs, when fully engaged, will be quite successful in empowering, motivating and building self-sufficient and confident girls/women with leadership skills.
Diversity: At VON we strongly believe that the basis of a strong and vibrant community/ economy is underpinned in ‘the spirit of togetherness’. As a result, we target a wide and diverse range of clients and offer a diverse range of services, so as to reach out to a wider audience and build a strong foundation through integration and inclusiveness.
Leading by example: At VON we believe ‘our own lives should be a testimonial of our authority’ and that an effective service provider should be a true reflection of its products. We pride ourselves in using successful, confident and inspired women/ mentors full of life experiences (who have endured, overcome and succeeded into leadership and their full potential), for the delivery of our aspirations, thus making them ideal role models for the girls/ women /community we strive to serve.
Targeting the root: We strongly believe that real and permanent change comes from within. As a result, we nurture and support our clients identify and overcome their fears, barriers and challenges and excel in their full potential. Our services will have a definite and lasting impact in families, communities and the world at large.