
Vound is part of Stedor DWC LLC, a Dubai freezome based company founded in 2014. Our team consists of 7 people who cooperate beautifully working remotelly: Founder and CEO John Tsioris (Dubai), Founder and CMO Ioanna Angelidaki (Greece), 1 Venture Advisor (Dubai), 2 developers (Greece), 1 developer/designer (Italy) and 1 Marketing growth hacker (Madrid).

Although sounds and voices are so essential in our daily lives, they haven't yet found their way into our online world. Our goal is to preserve those sounds and voices of our lives, and make our online word friendlier and more personal by giving them the attention they deserve. Everyday we strive to improve Vound and aim to make every tap an experience for our users.

We came to realise that 10% is what we say and 90% is how we say it - for too long we have been missing that 90% on our online interaction - lets reclaim it together.