About |
Point A:
At the warden ettinger group, one of the goals we’ve been working on is helping clients put themselves in a position of PR Power. This means having a clear, contemporary understanding of what PR is, and, what it isn’t. WE put in a lot of time and energy upfront so that you, our “partner,” have a clear picture of what we’ll require of you along the way, and what you should expect from us right from the start. We do this because we understand the differences in communication styles and business goals between our diverse clientele—details that present even greater challenges in the Digital Age, when everything happens at hyperspeed, making it difficult to retain traditional values such as reliability, flexibility, respect, trust and that all important facetime. We haven’t always gotten it right, but because we are, at our core, a business that starts and ends with relationships; getting it right is our highest goal. The stronger our relationships are with you, the more fluent we become in sharing your business’ news and accomplishments with the outside world. And, the more authentic we sound. This is exactly what you want from your PR team: A voice that accurately and passionately gets your brand talked about—in print, on the air and online.
About TWE:
One of the benefits of working with a smaller firm is that your account executives are the principals of the company. This is true of any industry. And, something you can’t count on at larger firms. Our own experience as business owners enables us to look at things from a range of perspectives, as well as to appreciate the principles upon which your business was founded. We respect your insights and strive to blend seamlessly with the teams that you already have in place.
From the moment we set up shop, our goal has been to craft the types of stories that we would want to read and share with our friends. And ideally, that is how we choose our clients. Because we’re passionate by nature, we already have a built-in desire to “shout-out” about the things that excite us. Just imagine what happens when we meet a client like you, who has a unique story to tell. Most of the time, we want to run out and pitch the media before a contract has been signed.
At the end of the day, public relations is about building relationships. WE work hard to engage those outside the media who we think fall within your target audience, or that have community/social influence or are in a related industry where an alliance might be mutually beneficial. After all, what good is having us on board if “word of mouth” doesn’t start with us?