
Health Portal for Non-Communicable Diseases
Watif Health empowers you to play an active role in the management of your disease by providing you with a portable, interactive, personalised electronic health record system that gives you the power to decide when and with whom to share your medical health record.

WatIf Health Portal is a ground-breaking application that gives users access to ownership of personal electronic health records, that are presented in the form of a portable interactive mobile electronic health application. It provides a patient centered approach to the management of Non-Communicable Diseases like: Diabetes/Hypertension/Obesity/High Cholesterol/Chronic Kidney Disease and Metabolic Syndrome.
With the spiraling number of individuals who are becoming more vulnerable to these diseases, at a time when healthcare cost is rising beyond many people’s reach, more and more people are constantly looking for cost effective and easily accessible healthcare services. WatIf Health provides answers to such health needs through innovative Information Communication Technology solutions that are geared towards early detection and prevention of such diseases. Provides services that are delivered cost effectively in the comfort of the user’s home.WatIF Health Portal delivers an array of services that are based on international approved clinical guideline and disease treatment protocols.