About |
Wenatex is an international company committed to helping you and your family to enjoy healthy, rejuvenating sleep.
Wenatex is a family owned and operated company that is proud of its commitment to research, education and the supply of world leading sleep technology.
Wenatex’s international headquarters are in Salzburg, Austria, where the company began in 1964. Its European operations extend to Austria, Germany and Italy and the Wenatex brand has successfully expanded to Australia (in 2002) and New Zealand (in 2007). Internationally, the company employs more than 1,600 people.
Today, Wenatex is a name that represents professional consultation and information about sound and refreshing sleep as well as a sensational product, the Wenatex Sleep System.
Quality of sleep makes an incredible difference to all aspects of our lives because when we sleep, we heal our bodies and minds. Wenatex is committed to helping you and your family to enjoy healthy, rejuvenating sleep. Worldwide each year, Wenatex Events conducts tens of thousands of seminars on the subject of “healthy sleep”. At our obligation-free presentations, we educate the public about the importance of maintaining healthy sleep for a better life. We demonstrate how to achieve a deeper sleep through our unique sleep system, which is the product of decades of scientific research and development. We have engaged the knowledge of leading sleep researchers to develop a sleep system that helps people reach longer periods of regenerative sleep. Sleep has two main functions: to heal our bodies and to adapt our brains to the new challenges we experience every day. Our aim, through Wenatex Events, is to educate the public about the latest research into sleep health and sleep technology in order to positively affect their health. We inform, demonstrate and let our customers reach their own conclusions.
In Europe, Wenatex has been engaged in promoting healthy sleep for decades and, together with scientists and renowned experts on sleep research, has developed a sleep system that meets the highest standards. The Wenatex Sleep System is the product of decades of scientific research and development. Our products are made in Austria and are put through regular and rigorous testing by many independent institutions in Europe. In these tests, all materials and products are subject to rugged treatment and precise analysis. As a result, we strive to ensure and certify that our products and craftsmanship are of the highest standard and to provide you with comprehensive evidence of this. Discover more about Wenatex innovations at http://www.wenatex.com.au/wenatex_innovations.asp.