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Use WhatsNewLocal.com to share what’s new with you. Here are just some examples of ways to use WhatsNewLocal.com:
• Businesses looking to share their coupons and promotions
• Artists who want to gain exposure and sell their work
• Bloggers who want to connect with their local community
• New to town and looking for a roommate
• Clearing out your basement to sell items and earn extra cash
• Get the word out about your upcoming event
• Announce a personal achievement, marriage, death, or military accomplishment
• Share your creativity by syncing your podcast, blog, stories, poems or prose
• Barter for goods and services with your neighbors
• Let your community know what goods and services you’re looking for
• Realtors sharing their latest real estate listings
• Helping lost pets and adoptable pets find their forever homes
• Letting your community know your non-profit or organization is in need of volunteers