About |
PR is no longer just about delivering column inches. It can’t be. We are the media now – you and I. So, good PR is about creating conversations about, and with, brands. And that’s exactly what we do at WPR.
We are a Top 150 Midlands-based traditional and digital PR agency, working for clients the UK over across print, broadcast, digital and social media channels – always giving ordinary people and the press, a reason to talk about the brands we represent.
We’re pretty good at it too, even if we do say so ourselves. That’s why, over the past year alone, from our humble home in Birmingham we have picked up awards nationally and regionally (even globally) for best PR stunt, best use of digital media, external relations, public affairs, consumer relations, digital PR and a national Grand Prix Award for Best PR Campaign of 2010.
We know that it’s a noisy world – but we also know that we can get you heard.