
Reviews and Readers are saying:


Dr Arto Inkala, creator of the World's Hardest Sudoku says:

"Win At Sudoku offers a new approach to playing Sudoku that shows a comprehensive way to play during all phases of solving any level of Sudoku puzzle. Ms Eardley's original puzzle layout will also enhance any player's enjoyment of the game."


5-Star Amazon Customer Reviews say:

"As an experienced solver, I think the template is fantastic...Win at Sudoku is a terrific book...a very solid piece of work...

"I have no doubt that were the complete novice to follow Eardley's method to the letter, he/she would achieve Sudoku mastery.

"Eardley's is a book that will reward patient reading, dog-earing, and re-reading again."
- Librum "6nomad9" (CA, USA)

"Any Sudoku enthusiast can expect to learn useful information from the book."
- A.J. Cornish Bowden (Marseilles, France)


Reader Comments:

"Your book is FANTASTIC"
- Morgan Knowles

"Absolutely admirable...professional and very, very attractive...language is clear, enjoyable and friendly"
- Gus Coyote

"I love the layout and the style is cool. Really impressive..."
- Annee Irwin

"Accessible even to a non-Sudoku type such as myself!"
- Charlie Stuart