
The WIN Companies a collection of entities that aid innovators, entrepreneurs, start-up and small businesses to improve their fundability, growth, efficiency and profitability.

Launching and running an organization is no easy task. Business owners are working 15 hours a day, seven days a week, and still face a high probability of failing. The WIN Companies are committed to being the difference in the success of small concerns.

The WIN Companies include:

WIN Opportunities – Our National Strategic Advisory Division

WIN Business Accelerator – Our National Business Benefits Aggregator Division

WIN Innovative Funding – Our National Capital Access Division

WIN Success Centers – Our Shared Space and Resources Centers Division

Each of the WIN companies works together or separately to provide solutions that enhance the viability of our clients as well as allow them project the appearance of a larger, more impressive business.  These services enable them to attract larger customers as well as gaining mass buying power and pricing advantages.

The WIN Companies provide assistance that has not been available to small businesses until now. Generally business owners neglect or put off performing critical functions due to time constraints, misinformation, or lack of expertise. Setting up accurate accounting systems, creating business plans, obtaining proper insurance, articulating the appropriate legal structure and protection are foundational to going concerns. WIN helps owners by making the process of performing these necessary functions simple and direct.

WIN provides a flat fee, “al-a-carte,” no long term contract, menu of services for each business service beginning with the basics necessities to increase visibility, credibility and profitability to position our clients to breakthrough.