

The International Centre for Women Playwrights - giving voice to the voiceless.


Set up to enable international dialogue about playwriting from a femal perspective, membership in the organisiation is open to anyone interested in supporting women playwrights of all levels to improve their opportunities, craft,  and visibility.

We connect women playwrights from many countries through our E-mail discussion List where all aspects of playwriting and the challenges of women playwrights are discussed. List subscribers provide help, advice and opportunities to other subscribers on a daily basis.

The gender imbalance of productions and publications of women-authored plays is a real, researched and documented reality that distorts the social and political dialogues that local and global cummunities engage in.

All the arts contribute to these discussions and Secretary of State Hilary Clinton commented, in December 2009, when referencing a play she had seen about women survivors of the conflict in Bosnia:

"I think that artists both individually and through their works can illustrate better than any speech I can give or any government policy we can promulgate that the spirit that lives within each of us, the right to think and dream and expand our boundaries, is not confined, no matter how hard they try, by any regime anywhere in the world.  There is no way that you can deprive people from feeling those stirrings inside their soul.  And artists can give voice to that.  They can give shape and movement to it."


The ICWP website provides helpful resources: