
Woodsourcing.com : a new network dedicated to the timber industry professionals.

Woodsourcing.com is a new business network created by professionals of the wood industry. The website provides) powerful and convenient features to its community.

Why is Woodsourcing.com different from other timber web marketplaces?
Woodsourcing is connecting timber businesses to the world :
- It’s free: Members don’t pay any fee and have a full access to all services provided by Woodsourcing,
- Members build their own network, inviting other members to connect (with them NO).
- The marketplace is opened to everyone. Members post and consult offers or demands without any restriction. The offers are instantly viewed by thousands of potential buyers : Woodsourcing posts are instantly viewed on Twitter, Linkedin, and Facebook.
- Woodsourcing multiplies the members’ chances to find new partners. Woodsourcing proposes to the members a list of potential partners, according to their business description. Thus improving time to market.
- Woodsourcing provides a complete interface: members profile, messaging, a blog, analytic tools, and more importantly: services keep on improving
- Woodsourcing can sell timber stocks on behalf of the members who do not have enough time to look for potential clients.
- Woodsourcing allows its community to exchange and discuss about subjects related to their industry.

Key figures
Woodsourcing has been launched on the 18th of April 2011, and already reports nearly 15 new members every day and 20 000 pageviews per month.

Following three intensive months since the website’s launch, Woodsourcing.com succeeded to register hundreds of timber professionals from all over the world:
-     Asia Pacific: 31%
-     Europe: 30%
-     North America: 19%
-     Africa: 11%
-     South America: 9%

Woodsourcing.com is a new way to facilitate exchanges.
Woodsourcing is connecting timber companies.

For further information, please email to contat@woodsourcing.com