
World Engineering Xchange has been established specifically to bring the power of the internet to the aid of engineers worldwide in locating and applying vital information resources to successful completion of their mission.

Through the use of sophisticated document management software, acquisition of important libraries of engineering information, and the establishment of a multi-lingual interface for identifying and retrieving essential data, WEX has created a cost-effective tool for engineers all over the world.

As a welding forum for professionals, manufacturers and suppliers world wide, WEX is a premier resource guiding accepted publications in the welding and engineering industry and supports engineering education.

The basic philosophy behind the WEX service is to offer the broadest possible range of engineering standards, reports, bulletins, papers, reference books, and conference proceedings via the internet, with powerful indexing that allows the engineering user to identify, review, and acquire the information resources needed to support the project being developed.

The service is economical – no subscription or lease fees are required for its use. Major credit cards are accepted, and downloading of purchased electronic copies of materials is immediate. Of course, where print copies are required, delivery is not immediate, but shipment typically takes place within 24 hours of receipt of order.