
The Program on International Policy Attitudes (PIPA) launched WorldPublicOpinion.org (WPO) in January 2006 to provide a source of in-depth information and analysis on public opinion from around the world on international issues. As the world becomes increasingly integrated, economic and security challenges have become increasingly global, pointing to a greater need for understanding between nations and for finding global norms. With the growth of democracy in the world, public opinion has come to play a greater role in the foreign policy process. WPO seeks to increase understanding of public opinion in specific nations around the world as well as to elucidate the global patterns of world public opinion.

Program on International Policy Attitudes
The Program on International Policy Attitudes (PIPA) was established in 1992 with the purpose of giving public opinion a greater voice in international relations. PIPA conducts in-depth studies of public opinion that include polls, focus groups and interviews. It integrates its findings together with those of other organizations. It actively seeks the participation of members of the policy community in developing its polls so as to make them immediately relevant to the needs of policymakers. PIPA is a joint program of the Center on Policy Attitudes (COPA) and the Center for International and Security Studies at Maryland (CISSM). COPA was established in 1992 to give the public a greater voice in the public policy process by seeking to discern public opinion on public policy and communicate its findings to the policy community, academia, the press and the attentive public. CISSM was established in 1987 and is based at the School of Public Policy at the University of Maryland. It is located just outside Washington, DC, in College Park, Maryland—a site that reflects CISSM's roots in the academic community and close ties to the world of policy.

Steven Kull, editor of WorldPublicOpinion.org, is director of the Program on International Policy Attitudes (PIPA) and the Center on Policy Attitudes (COPA). He directs the PIPA/Knowledge Networks poll of the US public, plays a central role in the BBC World Service Poll of global opinion and the polls of the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, and is the principal investigator of a major study of social support of anti-American terrorist groups in Islamic countries. He regularly appears in the US and international media, providing analysis of public opinion, and gives briefings to the US Congress, the State Department, NATO, the United Nations and the European Commission. His articles have appeared in Political Science Quarterly, Foreign Policy, Public Opinion Quarterly, Harpers, The Washington Post and other publications. His most recent book, co-authored with I.M. Destler, is Misreading the Public: The Myth of a New Isolationism (Brookings). He is a faculty member of the School of Public Policy at the University of Maryland and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the World Association of Public Opinion Research.

Clay Ramsay, Director of Research at PIPA and a CISSM fellow, co-founded PIPA in 1992. He regularly appears in the US and international media providing analysis of public opinion. With a background in history and psychology, he has focused on the study of ideology and mass psychology. He received his Ph.D. in History from Stanford University, has taught at Oberlin College, and is the author of The Ideology of the Great Fear (Johns Hopkins University Press). He is a faculty member of the School of Public Policy at the University of Maryland.

Communications Coordinator: Melinda Brouwer mbrouwer@pipa.org