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Do you or have you ever had computer problems? I think 100% of people would answer yes to that question. And by problems, we aren’t just talking about technical problems but also how-to challenges. You know the kind where it’s 2am in the morning and you are trying to complete a project in Excel™ and you just can’t figure something out. So you go to the help menu and an hour and a half later, you are pulling your hair out and cursing at the computer as though it could hear you.
Perhaps you have experienced the maze of finding real help when you have had technical problems with your computer(s). For example, you call the manufacturer and go through seemingly endless dial up menus and when you do finally get a human, they either don’t know what they’re doing, don’t speak good English or are out and out rude. So desperate to fix the problem and get back to the pleasantness of computing, you call the local repair guy who charges you anywhere from $65 to $100+ per hour to come out and ‘fix’ the dilemma. Only to find, they really aren’t that knowledgeable or take way too long, because after all, they are making umpteen dollars per hour. And in many cases, the ‘certified’ and/or home grown technician does more damage than what was originally wrong with the computer. I personally have witnessed that in my little town where a certain individual is doing just that and yet he doesn’t stop advertising his business and wrecking folks systems.
Finally, you have the uncertainty of who to call, who is qualified and the question of do they really have your best interest in mind. Well take a deep breath and relax because there is a new friend in the computer tech support field who genuinely cares about you and your needs. WowCCS.com was founded to actually help people with any and all computer challenges including the simple how-to questions. So whatever your problem, regardless of who made the computer, what program or what peripherals are attached, they are your best friend in computer support. No more dial-up menus, overseas support, high per incident/hourly charges or rude, unknowledgeable people who are just trying to get you off the phone because their boss is tapping them on the shoulder and pressing them to get rid of you.
WowCCS.com is your home for Complete Computer Support!