
WRM-Media are owners and brokers of global SMS, postal and email lists. We sell and broker consumer data for marketing companies across the world and have access to over 20 million email addresses worldwide.

Our specialism lies in email marketing as we have found this to be the preferred means of business communication for the majority of the public. Our fast, low cost and effective direct marketing solutions are targeted at responsive prospects via our opt-in database.

Most of WRM-Media owned data has been collected from the hugely successful Who-Remembers-Me.com website, founded in May 2003 with global membership topping 20 million registered members.

We understand the need to ensure the legitimacy of your marketing campaigns which is why our database contains opt-in data only. This means campaigns are only sent to interested parties.

With many international connections with other marketing list owners, WRM-Media have a vast amount of experience and knowledge of the email marketing industry, not just in the UK but worldwide, with particular expertise in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, USA and Canada

As part of our media marketing service, WRM Media will provide you with the tools necessary to give your marketing campaign much-needed focus.

We use behavioural targeting, Acorn codes and data enhancement through lifestyle surveys to ensure your messages are tailored to best suit your target audience.