
World Sailing (HK) Electronics Co., Ltd. is one of the world's largest independent stocking distributors of electronic components - including ICs, passive components, and interconnect products. Since its inception, World Sailing has built a reputation for rapid service and business excellence. Having superior in price and quality.

World Sailing stocks over 16,0000 electronics components...a broadline of commercial, industrial, military, automotive, and hi-reliability electronic components. Everything from connectors, discrete semiconductors, integrated circuits, memory products, passive components, relays, switches, Microprocessors and much more! If you're also looking for Obsolete, Allocated and Hard to Find Parts, World Sailing offers the best support and most competitive prices in the industry!

We pride ourselves on our exceptional service,abundant on-the-shelf inventory, and strong, reliable business relationships. Our experience and strong financial position insure that our customers' needs will come first, today and tomorrow.