
Yoga Calm for Children engages heart, mind & body through its unique blend of physical yoga, social skills games, mindfulness activities & counseling techniques.

Distilling over 30 years of school teaching, counseling and yoga experience into a practical, easy-to-teach method, Yoga Calm (TM) is an innovative education method developed by Lynea Gillen, MS, and Jim Gillen, RYT-500, that blends physical yoga, social skills games and counseling techniques. Reducing stress and improving fitness, it helps kids develop self-control, emotional intelligence, imagination and concentration. It enhances learning readiness. And it helps create calmer homes and more productive schools.

A practical, easy-to-teach method, Yoga Calm benefits a wide range of children, including special needs groups such as kids with ADD/ADHD and other behavior disorders. Students say that the skills they learn through it help them handle conflicts, deal with emotions and manage impulses. Parents also cite Yoga Calm as a positive influence.